Poking fun at a world gone mad.
I found, and am now subsequently reviewing this podcast because one of the dudes in it followed me on Twitter. Hi, @FunnyChuck, good on you for seeking out venues in social media! I'm sure as hell not getting paid for any of these reviews, but here at ViddyViddy Co. we like to make sure that the twelve people who read these reviews can trust that my bias lies entirely with the font choice of the podcast's website, and nowhere else.
Let's meet-n-greet with Constant Crisis News & Opinion!
Relevant Links:
Main site!
Download from iTunes!
Chuck Hansen's site!
Hosts Hamilton Holloway and Chuck Hansen invite you to join them as they marvel at the grand display of stupid in the world. They have taken it upon themselves to scour the news sources of the world (and the Internet) so that they can bring you the freshest oddities and reported ridiculousness. The Associated Press is their vineyard, and they have plucked only the most choice stories for you to laugh at.
Holloway and Hansen take to the mics to give you their views on each story, and inject their own senses of humor into a lot of very silly stories. They hosts enjoy themselves, and invite you to join them.
Content Rating: Clean and dandruff free.
Average Episode Length: Twenty-nine minutes, as the crow listens to his podcasts.
Drinking Game: I feel like this drinking game is one that lacks alcohol, but there is still an inherent game.
- Go to a local thrift store.
- Search through the coffee mugs. The goal is to find the mug that bests expresses either:
- Your dislike of Monday
- How much you love your grandchildren
- How like the kitten on the branch, you hang in there
- Take mug home, rinse out.
- Fill with instant coffee/lemonade of your choice. Drink.
Release Schedule: Weekly! Good stuff.
Music: That "deet-dee-deet-deet" noise that's a marker for news reports.
Unintentionally Good Part: It made me feel good when I saw the notification that @FunnyChuck had followed me.
Unintentionally Bad Part: If you peruse sites like Yahoo!News or any other news aggregate sites, you'll have heard a lot of these stories before.
Unrelated rating: Now that you've read this whole review, here is a summary of the CCN&O podcast:
Boom! Go listen.